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Level Up Your Sales Success: How to Gamify Knowledge for Engaging Employee Training and Unleash the Power of Product Awareness!

The Game of Sales

Let’s face it. When we hear the word ‘training’, our brains immediately start concocting brilliant escape plans. After all, who wants to sit in a boring classroom with a dust-chalk odour after the golden years of school life are behind us? But, here’s the catch. What if I tell you, I can make training as engaging as playing your favourite video game? Yep, that’s right! It is high time we learn to “gamify knowledge.”

Understanding the Power of Gamifying Knowledge

Let me take you down memory lane for a minute. Remember the excitement, the anticipation, the thrill of completing a new level in your favourite video game? That’s the power of gamification. By definition, gamification is integrating game mechanics into something, in this case, training. The aim here? Improving engagement, participation, and loyalty.

Now imagine, your sales team scoring points while learning about products, their features, and how to communicate those features effectively. Add a competitive element with leaderboards, and you’ve got a team who now want to learn and excel, not just because they need to, but also because it’s fun! Engaging employee training, folks, that’s what I am talking about.

Why Product Awareness matters in Sales Success

Picture this. You walk into a showroom to buy a car. You’ve done your research and have your heart set on a specific model, but before you can open your mouth, the sales rep starts rattling off specs and details of the new car they’ve just got. It’s all technobabble to you, and instead of impressing you, it’s making you feel confused and overwhelmed.

The same can happen in your business when your sales team does not truly understand what they’re selling. So, product empathy should be in the DNA-code of any successful sales strategy. Without product awareness, your team is like a ship without a radar. They wouldn’t know where they’re headed and what they’re selling.

The Dire Consequences of Ignoring Employee Training

A successful business owner I met at a conference made a startling revelation about something that had gone horribly wrong in his company. His sales team was doing an excellent job of attracting clients and piquing their interests − but there was a slight hitch. The team was struggling to communicate their complex product suite to prospective clients effectively.

Why? Because they didn’t understand the ins-and-outs of the product themselves. That gap in knowledge resulted in lost deals, unhappy customers, and most alarmingly − a tumbling market reputation. An expensive lesson learned that underestimating the power of product awareness in sales success can have dire consequences.

Your sales team needs to have in-depth knowledge about your product, and the best way to ensure that, is through training (ahem, I mean, the “funified” training!). And they won’t just learn about the product, but they would also learn to love it, own it and sell it!

Introducing Sqilz: Your Super Tool for Engaging Employee Training

You maybe now be thinking “This all sounds great, but how do I actually carry out these gamified training sessions?”. Good news everyone! There’s an app to help you with that. With my heart pounding like a drum at a rock concert, let me introduce you to — Sqilz!

Sqilz will help you turn your workspace into a virtual game space, providing you with a gamified and user-friendly platform to create and execute engaging employee training.

To sum it all up, engaging employee training is not merely an investment, but rather a necessity in today’s competitive marketplace. If you want to score big in the competitive world of sales, it’s time to level up your training game with gamifying knowledge and unleashing the power of product awareness. Are you ready to level up your game? Hop aboard and unleash the power within! Skyrocket your sales success with the mighty power of gamified learning!

Are you ready to play the game?

Not just that. Are you ready to win the game?

The ball is in your court.

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